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FUE Hair Transplantation

FUE Hair Transplantation

FUE (follicular unit extraction, or sometimes referred to as follicular unit transplantation) is the modern technique of hair restoration. FUE is a more advanced method of hair transplants than previous techniques like strip harvesting transplantation or FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation).


It is a type of hair transplant surgery that involves extracting individual hair follicles from a donor part of the body, usually the sides and back of the head.

These individual follicles are then implanted in the areas that are affected. Typically, with the men suffering from male pattern baldness this will be the classic horseshoe area.


During an FUE transplant, the hair follicles will be extracted from the donor area, typically the back of the neck, using a specialized extraction instrument less than 1mm in diameter. Follicles are then transferred to the recipient area on your scalp and implanted in groups of one to four hairs, just as they grow in nature.

This is a minimally invasive, surgical procedure so you will remain fully conscious the whole time, as only local anesthetic is required. Recovery time is short and the risk of complications is low.

After the procedure we will provide you with clear instructions on aftercare, as well as medication and topical treatments to give you the best result possible.


FUE with Sapphier Point Technique

We do Fue hair transplantation with sapphire point technique. The sapphire point that we use during opening the channels maintains its sharpness as its first used on the every channel opening. Because of the sharpness of the sapphire point there is no tissue trauma and no blood circulation problems. It is also antibacterial and a method that supports natural hair grow. By using this technique the recovery will be faster. By normal FUE technique, the recovery takes about 15 days and by sapphire point technique the wounds on the scalp are healed between 7 a 10 days.


Health Company Istanbul is expert in hair replacement, we exclusively perform FUE transplants for our patients. This leading-edge method of hair transplantation is highly technical and the most effective way of getting maximum value out of every donor hair.


Difference between FUT and FUE

FUE differs from normal hair transplants in several ways. The first is that it is noticeable for not leaving any linear scars, or any noticeable changes (other than a renewed lease of life for your hair.)

Strip transplants, a method by which a piece of scalp covered in hair is removed in order to get hair follicles needed for transplantation, usually from the back of the head, leaves very distinctive lateral scars across the back of the head.

Strip transplant surgery also has a long recovery time, especially compared to FUE. FUE leaves some initial bleeding, but usually recovery is complete within 7 a 10 days (with sapphire point technique). However, with strip harvesting, as a part of the scalp is removed, it can take weeks for the scars to heal over.

The results possible are of the highest quality and naturalness and undetectable which is the most significant advantage


Your donor hair is a precious resource

The critical thing to keep in mind is that hair transplants can only relocate hair from one part of your body to another: they can’t create donor hair. Your hair is a finite resource, and our hair transplantation team takes absolute care to safeguard every hair during the procedure. No hairs are lost, dropped or damaged.

Donor hair is taken from places that are unaffected by hair loss. In men, this is typically the sides and back of the head. The individual follicles are then transplanted to the area of the scalp that requires attention.

This is why you can’t afford not to go with the best clinic if you wish to get the optimum results possible.


The results of an FUE hair transplant

What makes FUE so remarkable is the way hairs are implanted: experienced specialists carefully map your hair growth before implantation so they know where and on what angle to place each follicle. It’s an exacting process that takes a lot of experience and expertise, but we believe the result is worth it: with a successful FUE transplant, donor hair grows, moves and feels the way it used to. This is the highest-quality hair transplant available.

As this is your natural hair, just moved from place to place, it will grow exactly as normal hair and is permanent. There is no need for pills and potions just enjoy your natural hair.


How does it work?

During the process, individual follicles – typically between 1 and 4 hairs – are removed under local anesthesia. The extraction procedure utilizes a micro surgical extraction instrument, between 0.6mm and 1.0mm in diameter, to remove the follicles.

The surgeon, using specialist micro surgical needles, then punctures the scalp area that is to receive the grafts. Our surgeons are experts at blending the hair in, inserting the grafts at an angle and density that matches the original hair, so it will resemble a natural and realistic hair pattern.


How long does it take?

An FUE hair transplant can be undergone in either one long session, or several smaller sessions. It tends to be more time consuming than strip surgery, but does not leave the obvious and typical scars that strip surgery does.

The length of time for an FUE procedure is between 6 to 8 hours. It usually depends on how many grafts are needed. If your donor area is suitable, our team can implant till 7000 grafts in one session.


How long do results last?

Once you have undergone FUE, the results are permanent. While the initial transplanted hair will shed a few weeks after treatment. From 3th month it will grow back strong and healthy. The total process is 12 months.


Before The Hair Transplant Procedure

In order for us to provide you with the highest quality medical care, the following instructions are important for you to follow:

  • 14 days before your scheduled procedure do NOT take Aspirin or any other anti-inflammatory medications (Ibuprofen, Nurofen etc.) as they will increase bleeding.
  • 14 days before your scheduled procedure do NOT take any multivitamins including vitamin E and vitamin B, any food supplements and herbal products (Gingko, etc.) as they will increase bleeding.
  • 7 days before your scheduled procedure STOP using Minoxidil (Regaine, Rogaine)
  • 7 days before your scheduled procedure try to avoid any drinking of alcoholic beverages
  • 24 hours before your scheduled procedure try to avoid any smoking of tobacco products, as smoking will slow down healing.
  • The morning of your procedure take a bath or shower and wash your hair thoroughly using regular shampoo. After shampooing, please rinse thoroughly and use a fresh clean towel to dry your hair.
  • The morning of your procedure do NOT apply sprays or gels to your hair. If you wear a hairpiece or a hair system, please make sure it’s removed prior to your morning shower and not replaced before your procedure.
  • The morning of your procedure eat something light for breakfast, but do NOT drink any coffee or any other caffeinated beverages.
  • The morning of your procedure you’re advised to wear a shirt that unbuttons or other clothing that is loose enough around the neck, to avoid accidentally touching your head while putting your clothes back on after the procedure.

What Happens After Hair Transplants

When considering having a hair transplant done, you will also want to take into consideration the hair transplant post on progress. This can be one of the most important factors in your decision to have a hair transplant.

Our patients receive thorough post operative instructions to ensure you get the best results from your procedure.

Following your hair replacement procedure, you will be also given medications, such as a mild steroid (anti-swelling), a painkiller and an antibiotic (anti-infection). You will be also instructed when and how often to take them.

FUE is a minimally invasive hair restoration technique, but you still have to expect a bit of redness, which will occur both in the recipient area and the donor area. It will disappear in a couple of days, depending on the individual’s skin tone and healing process.

There is usually no pain after the procedure but you have to avoid touching and sweating excessively on your recipient site so it is best if you can take it easy for the first couple days after the procedure. Also be prepared for special hair washing instructions and advice on shampoos to use for the first 2 weeks in order to speed up the healing process

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